
You know that moment when a flock of birds take off in a confused flurry of flapping wings and disorientation? For the past month while we have been relocating, that feeling has been the predominating sensation. There has been plenty of stress, choices, and longing for a home, but throughout it all we have been blessed with awesome fun memories with friends and family.

When traveling, and especially when moving it is difficult for me to keep up any type of daily devotion. This time around Lynn and I set out from the beginning to fight hard to pray and read the bible together. Though we have failed repetitively, I believe choosing to put the spiritual fight first, remembering and re-remembering we are fighting on the same team against a bigger enemy, has made a saving difference. It has helped us turn spats into I love you’s, biting words into encouragement, and freak-outs into ‘just trust God already!’

Two weeks before we left Okinawa the movers took our household shipment, which had everything but our suitcases and a few pots and pans. A week later they took the kitchenware. I enjoyed the challenge of trying to use up absolutely everything before we moved, and it was sort of fun camping out in our naked apartment. Great acoustics! After our final inspection, we spent the last few days in Okinawa with our chaplain’s family. They were wonderful and helpful.

Sharing a foreign experience, with its unique challenges, cares, and atmosphere has helped us make a good many lasting friends on Okinawa. We love you all and will see you around!


The day of our flight we woke around 2am. Some 40 hours later we settled in a San Diego hotel… That is a flight I hope to never make again. The next day we flew to Oklahoma where we spent a whirlwind week visiting with family. Seeing their faces, having great conversations, and going to the Broadway musical “Newsies” were definitely the highlights. Then Lynn and I took our time driving back to California. We’ve decided we are very best friends, and that even though we frustrate each other frequently, we never get tired of the other’s company.

So San Diego is very different from Okinawa, in case you were interested. The feel, the look, climate, people, languages, stores, toilets, living arrangement, prices, values, ethics, property management, culture, mood, and food. I didn’t expect a culture shock coming back, but we are definitely experiencing one.

We spent our first four days in the city staying in the Navy Lodge then moved in with some fantastic friends we know from our year in San Antonio. After a week, we were able to move into our new apartment! Yay! By move I mean, our suitcases, but hey one step at a time.

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